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Agreed Statement (1976), the Dublin Agreed Statement (1984), and
most recently the very detailed Cyprus Agreed Statement (2006), enti-
tled ‘The Church of the Triune God’. The International Commission is
now preparing a fourth agreed statement on the Christian understand-
ing of the human person. This will consider, among other topics, the
Christian teaching on marriage, and also our human responsibility for
the environment, a matter to which we personally, throughout our time
as Patriarch, have always attached particular importance. We are fully
con?dent that, under the inspiration of Your Grace, our Anglican-
Orthodox dialogue will continue to ?ourish and to make positive pro-

       In its formal title, this dialogue is entitled ‘theological’. But it is
of course essential that our theology should always be a living theology.
Doctrinal discussion must never be separated from a practical interest
in social and philanthropic issues. At this present moment, as Anglicans
and Orthodox, we share in particular a joint concern for the situation of
Christians in the Middle East, who are confronting increasing problems
and, in many places, are undergoing a veritable persecution.

       In the past, the rapprochement between our two Churches has
been greatly assisted by the exchange of students, and we trust that this
will continue. Our Theological School at Halki used to o?er scholar-
ships to Anglicans, and when it is reopened – as will happen in the near
future (so it may be hoped) – we shall certainly wish to revive this tradi-
tion. These exchange students have frequently gone on to become lead-
ers in their respective Churches, and their early inter-Church experi-
ence has enabled them to further the cause of Christian unity in highly
constructive ways.

       Dear Archbishop Justin: during the course of the visit of Your
Grace we shall have the opportunity to speak further about these and
other subjects. It is a great joy to us that, so soon after your elevation to
Canterbury, Your Grace has found it possible to visit the sacred centre
of Orthodoxy, the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Indeed Your Grace is more
than welcome: please feel entirely at home. From our encounter during

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