Page 13 - ¦ Koinonia 67
P. 13

2. Participating in the Holy Eucharist and praying for the whole world, we must
            continue the  ‘liturgy after  the  Divine Liturgy’  and  give the witness  of  faith  to
            those  near  and  those far off,  in  accordance  with the  Lord’s  clear  command
            before His  ascension, “And you shall be my witnesses  in  Jerusalem and  in  all
             Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth” (Ac. 1: 8). The re-evangelization
            of  God’s  people  in  modern,  secularized  societies  and  the  evangelization  of
            those who have still not come to  know Christ remain an unceasing obligation
            for the Church.

            3. In response to her obligation to witness to the truth and her apostolic faith,
            our  Church  attaches  great  importance  to  dialogue,  primarily  with  non
            Orthodox Christians. In this way the remainder of the Christian  world comes
            to know more precisely the authenticity of the Orthodox Tradition,  the value
            of  patristic  teaching  and  the  liturgical  life  and  faith of  the  Orthodox.  The
            dialogues  conducted  by the Orthodox  Church never imply a  compromise in
            matters of faith.
            4. The  explosions  of  fundamentalism  observed  within  various  religions
            represent an expression of morbid religiosity. Sober inter-religious dialogue helps
            significantly  to  promote  mutual  trust,  peace  and  reconciliation.  The  oil  of
            religious experience must be used  to heal wounds and not to rekindle the fire
            of  military  conflicts.  The  Orthodox  Church  unequivocally  condemns  the
            extension  of  military  violence,  persecutions,  the  expulsion  and  murder  of
            members of religious minorities, forced conversions, the trafficking of refugees,
            the  abductions,  torture  and  abhorrent  executions.  She  denounces  the
            destruction  of  churches,  religious  symbols  and  cultural  monuments.  Very
            particularly, she expresses her deep  concern about the situation  of  Christians
            and  of  all  the  persecuted  minorities  in  the  Middle  East.  She  calls  on  the
            governments  in  the  region  to  protect  the  indigenous  Orthodox  and  other
            Christians and all the populations who have an  inalienable right to remain in
            their countries as citizens with equal rights. Our Council appeals to all parties
            involved  to  make  systematic  efforts  without  delay  to  bring  to  an  end  the
            military conflicts in the Middle East and wherever armed hostilities persist and
            to enable all those displaced to return to their homes.
                  We address our appeal particularly to those in positions of power to act
            so that peace and justice may prevail in the countries of origin of the refugees.
            We urge the civil authorities, the citizens and  the Orthodox Christians in  the
            countries in which the persecuted are taking refuge to continue to offer help to
            the limit or even beyond the limit of their abilities.

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