Page 34 - ¦ Koinonia 70
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acts of the Church, especially in the celebration of the Eucharist, in which we
         are joined with the worship of heaven. 28
         12. These universal and cosmic marks of the Church catholic always take par-
         ticular and local manifestations, as the histories of our two families of churches
         show. Regional and local synods are thus part of the greater whole. The Holy
         Spirit enables these local manifestations of the catholicity of the Church to-
         gether to become greater than the sum of their parts, that is universal, by ex-
         hibiting unity of faith through ecumenical conciliar action. At the same time,
         the Holy Spirit, empowering the earthly manifestations of the Church, enables
         them to become a sign of the heavenly banquet prepared for all peoples, in all
         places, in all times. Thus, the Holy Spirit is both source and guarantor of the
         temporal speaking of the eternal and the local speaking of the universal, which
         we understand to be the catholicity of the Church.
         13. In this way the Holy Spirit creates a new humanity in which ‘There is no
         longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male
         and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.’ 29

         14. We affirm that as the Father sent the Son for salvation, into the world in the
         Incarnation, so in the era that follows the Resurrection and Ascension of the
         Lord, the Father sent the Spirit into the world to the goal of sanctification of
         the created order,  until the Lord comes again in glory. Pentecost is God’s gift
         of new life to the world in the form of the Church as the body of Christ. The
         Holy Spirit takes forward into each new day the invitation and imperative in
         the Lord’s Prayer, to do the will of God on earth as it is in heaven, and in this
         way connects the witness of the prophets and the disciples with eschatological
         hope. The apostolic mission of the Church combines prophetic discipleship in
         the energy of divine engagement with the response of personal witness in the
         15. The word apostolic describes the origin and beliefs of the Church as rooted
         and continuing in the living Tradition of the apostles who proclaimed Jesus
         Christ crucified and risen. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, the Church
         faithfully preserves and continues the preaching and teaching of those sent out

         28  Cf. Revelation 7.9.
         29  Galatians 3.28.
         30  Cf. Romans 8.

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