Page 9 - ¦ Koinonia 67
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Representational Work
            Nikaean Club Executive Committee. Much of the work of the Nikaean  Club  (the
            Archbishop  of  Canterbury’s club  for entertaining his official guests)  overlaps
            with  the AECA,  especially where  Orthodox  matters  are concerned,  so  it  is
            important that the AECA has representation on the committee of the Nikaean
            Club. At present, AECA is well represented, with 3 members of the Executive
            serving on  the Nikaean  Club’s  – myself,  and Frs Stephen  Stavrou and Andrei
                  Anglican  Oriental  Orthodox  International  Commission. Together  with  fr
            Stephen Stavrou, I serve on the Anglican Orthodox International Commission.
            In 2015, it met in Hawarden, Wales, a place which hosts the Gladstone Library,
            so important for the history relations between The Churches of Armenia and
            the  British Isles. The  agreed  statement on  Christology  was published  in  the
            course of this meeting, while present work is focussed an agreed statement on
            the Holy Spirit.
                  Anglican Oriental Orthodox Regional Forum.  I  serve on this group,  which
            brings together the Churches of the Anglican and Oriental orthodox traditions
            in the UK, and focusses on practical co-operation between our Churches.
                  Hospitality  for  our Anglican  President,  the  Bishop  of  London.  The AECA
            funded  a  lunch,  hosted  by the Bishop  of  London  in  the House  of  Lords,  to
            which  senior  representatives  of  the  Orthodox  Churches  were  invited,  and
            where each spoke about their aspirations for their own  work and that of  the
            AECA.  This  should  assist us  greatly in  the  strategic  review  we  plan  –  (see
                  I  am  frequently  asked  to  represent  the Bishop  of  London  at  various
            Orthodox  events  (for  example,  the  Installation  of  Metropolitan  Selouan  as
            Bishop  for  the  Antiochian  Church  in  London  and  arranging  hospitality  for
            guests) and  in  planning meetings – work  is in  hand for incoming visits of  the
            Heads  of  churches  on  2016,  including  their  Holinesses  the  Patriarchs  of
            Moscow and Serbia, as well as events of more local significance.

                                Churches of The Middle East
            The Household of HRH The Prince of Wales. HRH the Prince of Wales takes  an
            active interest in  the welfare of Middle Eastern  Christians,  especially in  Iraq
            and  Syria.  I  assisted  with the preparations which were made for the Advent
            reception hosted by His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Nichols and the Prince of

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