Page 49 - ¦ Koinonia 68
P. 49

buildings such  as the present,  but also  more profoundly in  the
                  invisible  building formed  from  the living stones of  the faithful.
                  So,  as we consecrate this visible temple, let us also,  each one of
                  us, rededicate to our Lord  the inner temple that is our own true
                  May the congregation of  this Cathedral,  and  all the members of
                  the Syriac Orthodox Church,  wherever they may be,  be blessed
                  with the kind  of courage and  faith that can  ultimately transcend
                  the  unbearable  misery  and  anguish  that  have  been  so  cruelly
                  inflicted upon you, your loved ones and your brethren.

            This  remarkable speech was met with rapturous  applause, as his arrival only
            moments earlier had been greeted with enthusiastic ululating from the women
            present.  Such  ululation  we  were  to  hear  again  each  time  the  walls  of  the
            cathedral  church  were  anointed  with  holy  chrism  during  the  rite  of

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