Page 35 - ¦ Koinonia 67
P. 35

Adam  has  ‘evolved’
            from  the  other  cave
            people.  Ugly’s  family
            fight  with  each other,
            and  they  go  out
            headhunting.  From
            this  we  understand
            that  Men  believes
            death  and  suffering
            existed before the Fall,
            so  with  renewed
            urgency  he  needs  to
            explain  how  evil came
            to be.
                  Fr  Alexander
            Men lived in the USSR
            and  worked  in  the
            t h e o l o g i c a l l y
            conservative  Moscow
            Patriarchate  of  the
            Russian  Orthodox
            Church,  before  his
            murder  in  1990.  The                   Fr Men
            evolutionary  aspect  –
            and  specific  ‘heresies’
            resulting from it – of Men’s thought alarmed some Orthodox theologians and
            writers  within  Russia,  as  they believed  his views were incompatible  with the
            teachings of  Scripture and the Church Fathers.  For example,  Orthodox priest
            Fr. Daniil Sysoev published a list of nine points where in his understanding the
            teachings  of  Alexander  Men  did  not  correspond  with  the  teachings  of  the
            church.  Four  of  these  are  relevant  to  the  way  in  which  Men  resolves  the
            problem  of  evil  in  an  evolutionary  context,  and  therefore  relevant  to  our
            discussion.  The  first  is  an  accusation  of  Manichaeism,  which  Sysoev
            characterises as ‘the teaching of the co-involvement of Satan in the creation of
            the world, the result of which was apparently the realisation of evolution’.  The

            5  Sysoev, Daniel. About Archpriest Alexander Men. Сысоев, Даниил. Об протоиерее Александре
            Мене. Web source available e.g. 2012

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