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beyond  rational  understanding  and  shows  itself  in  its  full  form  in  the
       Incarnation of the Logos in Jesus Christ.
            We  have  already  mentioned  Men’s  attraction  to  Berdyaev’s  ideas
       concerning  freedom.  On  numerous  occasions  in  his  lectures and  writings ,
       Men refers to the absolute irrationality of evil; its origins are not accessible to
       philosophical  investigation.  This  is  an  area  where  Men  believes  intuitive
       creative  arts  can  tell  us  more  than  ‘the  sciences’.  In  Conversation  about
       Redemption  he tells us that  we can  only understand  evil tentatively.  He looks
       towards  poetry  as  the  medium  that  provides  the  fullest  picture  of  this
       irrational impulse .
            The final word on evil for Men is the Biblical story of Job. Commenting
       on God’s revelation to Job (ch. 38-41) after his period of suffering, Men tells us
       ‘he saw and heard God, and it is not important what He said. In that instant all
       the  problems  were  resolved.  But  they  were  not resolved  in  a  discursive,  or
       logical  manner,  not  by  way  of  building  some  kind  of  new  metaphysical
       theodicy ,  but  by way of  an  enormous,  instantaneous  dawn,  which allowed
       Job...  to  catch  hold  of  all  this  [that  had  happened]  and  accept  it’ .
       Commenting  on  Job’s  response  in  ch.  42,  Men  tells  us  that  ‘this  is  the...
       astounding mystery of  the enigmatic confrontation or meeting, where God  is
       no  longer  ‘It’,  but  becomes  ‘Thee’,  a  Personality  that  can  relate  to
       personality’ .  Here we see another of  Men’s master themes  – the revelatory
       and  personal  concept  of  ‘vstrecha’  or  ‘meeting/encounter’  that  cannot  be
       wholly contained in words or by rational categorisation/explanation.

       38  For example in ‘About Good and Evil’, ‘The Mystery of Evil’ and ‘Origins of Religion’
       39  Men: Conversation about Redemption. Contained in: Мировая духовная культура. [Фонд имени
       Александра Меня. Москва. 2002 г. ](World Spiritual Culture. [Alexander Men Foundation.
       Moscow. 2002]). Can be found at
       40  Men tells us that this was the mistake of Job’s friends in Book 6 of ‘In Search of the Way, the Truth
       and the Life’: On the Threshold of the New Testament, chapter 12
       41  Men: The Book of Job and the Book of Ecclesiastes, p209. “Книга Иова и Книга Экклесиасиа”, От
       Рабства к Свободе. [Жизнь с Богом, Москва, 2008] (‘The Book of Job and the Book of
       Ecclesiastes’, From Slavery to Freedom. [Life with God, Moscow, 2008]). Can be found at
       42  Men: The Book of Job and the Book of Ecclesiastes, p209.
       43  French, April (ed.) An Inner Step Toward God:Writings and Teachings on Prayer by Father Alexander
       Men. p8. [Paraclete Press, Brewster, Massachusetts, 2014]

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